
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stephen Gill manipulation project

Sephen Gill manipulation of photo project
For this experiment I tried out different ways of how the photos would deteriorate. I then documented how they got worse. I did these experiments to discover if we could manipulate the photo by leaving them in a placefor a week or burning a photo. For all three of these experiment I used a portrait of me and documented what happened to them. This is the portrait photo.

In this experiment I set fire to the top right corner of the photo. I then took a picture of what happened every 2 seconds. I did this until the photo turned into ashes.

The flame was weak here.

The flame started getting bigger here.

Cracks started to appear in the photo making the photo crumple.

Parts of teh photo starteed to fall off.

Ashes started to appear and some of the black parts of the photo turned white.
I found this experiment hard because it was a windy day and so the fire kept going out so I had to use some more matches. I also enjoyed doing it because I liked to see how the photo would disintegrate.

For another experiment, I buried a porrtrait photo of me underneath some stone. I left the photo there for 8 days. I then dug up the photo every two days to take a photograph of it to see how it had een manipulated over that period of time and how it gets worse teh longer it is underneath the stones for.

The stones had scratched the photo a lot leaving white marks on it. There was also some material on top of the photo.
It rained on the fourth night and so some of teh ink ran.
Some soil was on the photo and so it covered up parts of my face. The black of my hair made the colour of my face near to the black turn red.
This was the last day and there is a big difference in this photo and how it started out. There are loads of small white dots where the stones have scratched the photo and taken away small parts of it. There is a bit of red on the white becasue teh colour has run to the sides and the bottom of the photo. There is also a lot of soil on the photo.

I did another experiment which was to put my portrait in a birdbath full of water and see how the photo would be manipulated by the water.

 There was lots of material in the water and I found a stone in there which was lying on top of the photo and it had scratched the middle of the photo.

 The colour of my face started to run onto the white parts of the photo and my hair was turning green.
This is the last photo. The paper has crumpled up, my hair is green and the colour of my face has run onto the white parts of the paper. All of the colours on this photo have faded and there is a massive difference between the photo at the start of this experiment and the finall product.

I found this project interesting becuase it is changing a photo through a way that I haven't done before.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

John Stezaker

John Stezaker was born in 1949 and he is an English conceptual artist. He takes a photo, normally of people and then he gets another photo from the Internet. He then puts one photo on top of the photo he has taken to combine them.

He would get the photo on top and line it up with the photo behind it to make it look as if they are one photo. In this photo the eyebrow, nose, lips, hair and the eyes are all lined up. This makes the two people look as if they are one but we can tell they aren't because one is a man and one is a woman. There is also a colour difference because the man's photo is black and white but the woman's photo is in colour.

This photo is good because mos of the peoples features are lined up very well. The image works better when it is far away from the viewer because then the viewer can't see the small details of the disjointedness. I like this photo because the people are lined up very well so that when I first glanced at the picture, I thought that they wer one person because I didn't have time to look at the small detail in the disjointedness.
In this photo we can See the whole of the picture on top. This means we can see that John has had to rotate the image to get it in line with the photo behind it. I don't think this photo works very well because the head of the two people combined makes the chin look abnormally small. This makes the disjointed effect in the photo really stand out.

I like this idea because it is very unique and original, I have never seen this done before. I also like it because it engages the viewer by them looking closely at the photos to see how they join.

My Experiment
For this experiment I used a portrait of myself and searched on the Internet for a portrait of a woman. When I got the photo of the woman, I cut some of it off so that it would fit my portrait. Here is a photo of my portrait that I used.

 The point in this project was to see if I could manipulate my face to look as if the woman's face could join to my portrait.
 In these photos I cut out a part of a woman's face and then put it on top of my portrait. I cut the woman's face so that I could line her features with mine so it looks like we are the same person. I also cut the photos out so that the frame of the woman's face could be seen.

I enjoyed doing this project because it was funny to see what i looked like when I had part of a woman's face on my face. I also liked it because it can happen with any two people. Even if like in this photo the eyes aren't pointing the same way, it still works.

Idris Khan

Idris Khan is an architectural photographer. He photographs industrial structures that represents modern engineering. He then repeats the image putting one image on top of the image. His work is digitally layered and super-imposed which gives the effect of the image being blurred.
Idris works in mechanised media and his images are of industrial subjects such as this photo of the house. It has a ghostly outline and densley compacted detail.

I like his work becasue the way that he has minipulated this photo is very clever. The blurriness of the photo makes them look as if they are alien but they could be the future of photography.

For my experiment I used a portrait of myself. I was trying to manipulate my photo so that it would look like an Idris Khan experiment. Here is the portrait photo that I was using.
I then made 30 layers of this one photo. I changed the opacity of all of them to 50 except for the last one so that it could still be seen. I then moved some of the photos on top the slightest bit in all directions. I then moved aome of the photos more in all directions. I then moved the rest in all directions. Thgis would make the effect of the Idris Khan building photos put with my portrait.
I enjoyed doing this experiment because it could work with any object. It is easy to do and interseting to see what the end product is.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Rodchenko was one of the most versatile constructivist and productivity's. He was a Russian artist, sculptor, photographer and graphic designer. He made collages of the Russian revolution.

Sich as in this photo Rodchenko combines the dynamic vertiginous axis and strict geometrical shapes. Rodchenko was one of the leading constructivist, and turned away from painting to photography, furniture and poster design.

This photo is a portrait of a writer/critic who works for one of the magazines which Rodchankos work appeared in. I thought this photo would be good to do my experiment on because it's a portrait and because I have a portrait of myself I thought that it would be good to compare them afterwards.

The point in this experiment was to see if, by using photoshop, I could manipulate my portrait to look like the guy that  Rodchenko has manipulated. I enjoyed doing this because it made me think about how we can manipulate loads of things to look like something else. I found it hard to put the glasses on my face because it was hard to rub out the middles of the glasses without rubbing out the frame of the glasses. I have made this experiment my own by writing my name in the middle of the left glasses.

I think overall Rodchenko is a great artist because he changed the future with his new experiment by manipulating photos.